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Israeli runner shot in West Bank one day after Jerusalem car attack

A group of runners was shot at in the West Bank as Israelis mark Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism.
ABBAS MOMANI/AFP via Getty Images

A 28-year-old Israeli was moderately injured Tuesday near the West Bank settlement of Ofra when shots were fired from a vehicle at his running group.

The Israel Defense Forces is searching for the vehicle, which fled the scene. Barriers have been placed on several roads in the region in the vicinity of the Palestinian village of Wadi al-Haramiya. For the moment, no group has taken responsibility for the shooting.

The attack took place not far from the site where a memorial service for fallen soldiers was about to take place. The targeted group was running in memory of fallen IDF soldiers. 

The West Bank attack took place less than a day after a vehicular attack in the center of Jerusalem, outside the busy Mahane Yehuda outdoor market. Seven people were injured on Monday evening when a Palestinian man drove his car into them. One 70-year-old victim was seriously injured and is still hospitalized.

The Jerusalem Post reported that the assailant was identified as Hatem Abu Nijmeh, from the east Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood of Beit Safafa. He was shot and killed by a civilian at the scene. He reportedly had no known prior security offenses, but was known to have mental heath issues.

Also on Monday, a 20-year-old Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near the West Bank city of Jericho. The Palestinian Health Ministry identified him as Suleiman Ayesh Hussein Awaid.

A spokesperson for the IDF said that troops had entered the refugee camp to arrest a wanted Palestinian individual.

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